Thanks for coming here and checking out my little web site. I try to lead a balanced life that includes enough dedication to my work and my family with some room for activities I choose to do in my free time.
You’re unique and so am I. Here are some things that are unique about me.
I live near the downtown of a semi-rural town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. I love living in New England and I consider the region one of the greatest places to live.
I participate in lots of seasonal activities so that when the next season rolls around, I’ll have had my fill of those activities. For example, in the summertime, I love skimboarding and bodysurfing at the beach, eating fried clams, and going to amusement parks and carnivals. I get out and do this stuff as much as possible so that I have no regrets when the weather starts to get colder and it gets darker earlier, and I have to face the fact that summer’s over. By that time, in theory, I should be ready for fall activities (another season where it’s great to live in New England).
My background is communications, college radio, music business, and content creation. Currently, I work as an audio engineer/editor/proofer at a great company that creates audio books for the blind.
Click on any of the links below to read about my interests:
Amusement Parks & Carnivals (roller coasters & other rides)
Hi Josh, we bumped into you at Wachusett reservoir . You took a picture of me and my friend ,with our fishing gear. Was wondering if you still have that picture and if you could email it to me ?? Thank you
Yes Rob! I have it, and just haven’t edited it yet. I will very soon, and send it to your email.