Thanks for coming here and checking out my little web site. I try to lead a balanced life that includes enough dedication to my work and my family with some room for activities I choose to do in my free time.

You’re unique and so am I. Here are some things that are unique about me.

I live near the downtown of a semi-rural town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. I love living in New England and I consider the region one of the greatest places to live.

I participate in lots of seasonal activities so that when the next season rolls around, I’ll have had my fill of those activities. For example, in the summertime, I love skimboarding and bodysurfing at the beach, eating fried clams, and going to amusement parks and carnivals. I get out and do this stuff as much as possible so that I have no regrets when the weather starts to get colder and it gets darker earlier, and I have to face the fact that summer’s over. By that time, in theory, I should be ready for fall activities (another season where it’s great to live in New England).

My background is communications, college radio, music business, and content creation. Currently, I work as an audio engineer/editor/proofer at a great company that creates audio books for the blind.

Click on any of the links below to read about my interests:
Amusement Parks & Carnivals (roller coasters & other rides)

2 Replies to “Background & Interests”

  1. Hi Josh, we bumped into you at Wachusett reservoir . You took a picture of me and my friend ,with our fishing gear. Was wondering if you still have that picture and if you could email it to me ?? Thank you

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